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Remembering What Love Is in Healing

Aside from sounding like a Brian Adams song from the 90's, let's take a moment to recalibrate to what love is.

It's easy to get caught up in our busyness, our anger, our hurt. It's easy to get upset with our partner and point a finger, to hold them to hostage to our gauntlet of trials until they can prove themselves trustworthy again.

But that is not love. That is anger-fear survival soup preventing your relationship from healing.

Love is open, it is vulnerable. It isn't white-knuckle grabbing. It is allowing, seeing, being with what comes up. When we let go of our anger and control all of these wonderful difficult feelings arise in us. Those feelings are what we use to connect with those we love. It's also the fertilizer we use to repair hurts.

Feel the shake in your gut, the jitteriness of your bones. This is difficult isn't it? It's like falling sometimes. But that's what love really is. It is open, it is falling, it is allowing our heart to come forward and do some talking. That takes courage. More courage than anger or lashing out.

See if you can find it.

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